Cold Laser Treatment St. Petersburg

You hear all the buzz about cold laser treatments, or low-level lasers, yet they still remain a mystery. We use lasers to listen to CDs, measure distances and for supermarket barcode scanners.

But how can the same lasers be used to heal your body?

The answers are simpler than you might think…

A laser is basically a focused beam of light that emits photon energy. When the light is focused properly, all of the photons are traveling in the same direction and at the same wavelength. This is also known as coherent light.
Even though Einstein was the first to talk about the idea of beams of light, our bodies have been using that same energy to communicate since the beginning of humankind. Our cells communicate to one another through coherent light.
The cold lasers we use at Rubin Health Center are different than more publicized heat lasers that are used in many surgical procedures to cut tissue. Low level lasers are not hot and are used to stimulate tissue, rather than destroy it. These types of lasers have been used for over 25 years and there has yet to be one recorded side effect!
In our office, we’ll apply cold laser to the affected area. Bright coherent light can be seen. Bundles of light pass through the skin and are received within the cell. This increase of intra-cellular energy results in cell and tissue regeneration. You’ll experience decreased pain and inflammation, and increased range of motion. Each frequency can activate different cell types simultaneously. The physician can treat pain, inflammation, lymphatic and immune systems at the same time.
Our laser has been proven to be effective in many cases, and has FDA approval

Some Cold Laser Treatment Uses:

  • Aches And Pains
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Weight Loss
  • Quit Smoking
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Bruises
  • Burns

Cold Laser FAQs

Does the laser treatment hurt?
No, there is virtually no heat or sensation with the use of Erchonia 3LT lasers.
How long are the treatments?
Treatment times vary, but in general actual laser exposure times are minimal – a few minutes per treatment, with regularly scheduled treatments based upon the nature of the ailment.
What kind of results should I expect?
Patients and doctors alike report accelerated healing and pain reduction.
Is it possible to “overdose” with a low level cold laser?
No. While it is always advisable to follow established and proven protocols, low level laser light is among the safest of all treatments available today.

Cold Laser Testimonial

“I hurt my neck in 1991. Doctors treated me for everything, but nothing worked By 1998, I couldn’t work or drive. I was in a scooter. In 2003, I went back to pain management, shots again & surgery on neck nerves was my “only” option. Instead, I had cold laser treatment. After the first treatment I was relaxed. During the 2nd treatment, I felt a spring un-springing feeling in my neck and I continued and had 5 treatments. This was in April 2003.

By Aug 2003, I was off all RX for pain. No Oxycontin, which I had been on for 2 years. No muscle relaxers, nothing.
This has changed my life.”