Cryotherapy is a new revolutionary treatment that can help with a number of conditions. Even if you are in relatively good health, cryotherapy can have many benefits. We are proud to offer cryotherapy services at our locations.

What is Cryotherapy Conditions Treated

There are many conditions that can be treated with cryotherapy. Some of the most common conditions treated with cryotherapy include:

  • Pain management for conditions such as fibromyalgia
  • Weight loss
  • Joint or spine conditions
  • Nerve pain
  • Pulled or stressed muscles
  • Cancer treatment
  • Mental health
  • Skin conditions
  • Migraines

You can use cryotherapy for something as simple as relaxing and recovering muscles after an intense workout or massage. Cryotherapy can also be used as part of whole-health treatments for the additional health benefits, even when no underlying condition requiring treatment exists.

Benefits of Cryotherapy

Regardless of your reasons for trying cryotherapy, there are a lot of benefits that you will enjoy when you receive your treatments. Some of the benefits of cryotherapy include:

  • Weight loss aid
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • Preventing cancer
  • Improving cognition

Now Available at Rubin Chiropractic Health Center we have the °CRYO Science Arctic™

Try Cryotherapy Today

Skeptical? You really can’t make a decision about whether or not cryotherapy is for you until you try it for yourself.