
What is Spinal Decompression and How Does It Help?

by | Dec 26, 2022 | The Rubin Chiropractic Health Center Blog

Back and neck pain are among the most prevalent health concerns among patients today. In fact, around 8% of all adults have persistent or chronic back pain that limits their day-to-day activities. But, with the risks and complications associated with spinal pain, it’s no wonder why patients seek out non-surgical treatment options. 

Non-surgical spinal decompression uses force, time, and position instead of scalpels to alleviate spinal pain. At The Rubin Health Center in Florida, we offer spinal decompression with the leading-edge DRX9000 machine to help our patients overcome common conditions like sciatica, bulging disc, and carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Read on to learn more about spinal decompression with the DRX9000 machine and how it could help improve your quality of life.

How Does Spinal Decompression Work?

During spinal decompression therapy with the DRX9000 machine, the patient sits or lies down on the padded table. Depending on the condition being treated, the patient may need to wear a head or wrist harness. The table is designed to keep the patient comfortable throughout the treatment.

The spinal decompression machine creates negative pressure on the spine, which triggers a vacuum effect within the spinal discs. This helps pull back herniated or protruded disc material, stimulates blood flow to the injured tissue, and promotes healing. 

What Makes The DRX9000 Spinal Decompression Machine Different?

The DRX9000 is an award-winning machine that uses the latest technological innovations. It’s been FDA-approved as a treatment for herniated discs, bulging discs, posterior facet syndrome, degenerative disc disease, and related conditions. 

Additionally, the DRX9000 is the only machine of its kind that uses a servo-motion system, which checks and adjusts the motor’s movements thousands of times per second. This process makes sure that the treatment abides by the patient’s logarithmic curve. 

Schedule an appointment at The Rubin Chiropractic Health Center today to learn if spinal decompression therapy could work for you.